Still Living in Limbo

Ticking_clockOn November 28 Newsday ran the headline:  “State vows end soon for South Nyack homeowners in ‘limbo’ over Tappan Zee Bridge.”  It is now March and nothing has happened.  In two weeks I will celebrate a second birthday “living in limbo.”  Meanwhile, we continue to hear about delays in the project (only 30% of the design has been completed to date), and rumblings about mass transit (which would surely put us back into play for eminent domain taking), not to mention questions about funding resources that continue to cast doubt about the scope and length of the project.

We continue to shop for a new home, yet several potential properties have been sold while we wait for some clear sign that something will actually happen.  Our confidence is eroding, and we are beginning to think that we have been taken — once again.

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